Wednesday, May 14, 2014

49 Days

I left home 266 days ago. I left my parents, my brother. I said goodbye to my friends and coworkers and ate a last Sunday breakfast with my parents for the last time in 2013.
But since then I have done many other, excitingly, new things. About every other day I have a relavation of all the things I have done with my life since leaving my little town. Everyday I discover something new, a feeling, a place, a friend, a word. I have 49 short days left here.
A quick re-cap of my golden moments during 2014
  • Went to my first theme park: Disneyland Paris
  • Was yelled at by a prostitute in the Red Light District
  • Toured the Anne Frank house
  • Saw an Italian opera, set in Egypt, led by an Asian man, while reading French subtitles, at the Belgian opera house 
  • Spent my birthday at the beach 
  • Spent 1 1/2 weeks touring all of Italy
  • Went to my first holy communion
I recently went through a very hard time in my exchange. With most all exchange students, our emotions are constantly fluctuating, and I hit a very low point, after my birthday when I became very ill for 2 1/2 weeks and had to rest at home alone. And just before this time, I had decided not to go to my third host family, which initiated a lot of problems and ended with people saying "I ruined the spirit of exchange". I lost a lot of spirit and hope during that time. It was very stressful and I doubted many of myself and many of my choices. In the end (and after 10 glorious days in Italy), I finally started to see things more positively after having several discussions with my host family and Rotary counsler. I believe I was finally better after I was yelled at by my Rotary counsler, which initiated my motivation to make myself better. I feel really bad that my host family and Rotary club had to see that side of me, but I think it was a good experience for me to see myself like that too.

Last Saturday I changed host families for a final time. I went back to my first host family, Marc, Valerie, Florette, and Marie (and Antoine will get back from Florida on June 29!!). It was hard to say goodbye to my second host family, but I am happy to know I will be with people who I love and who love me for the end of my exchange. I am so happy to have had the chance to live with two wonderful families this year, I couldn't imagine it any other way.

With only 49 days left in my exchange I am trying to live my life here to the fullest. I no longer care if people like me or agree with my choices, but and living to like myself for my own choices. I have been seizing every oppertunity to travel around and explore more of my country. Last week I went to Gent and Bruxelles, then spent the night in Eupen, the German speaking part of Belgium, with my friend Kate. I am not ready to say goodbye to all this quite yet.


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