Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Feeling of Friendship

Bonjour! This post may seem a little dramatic (it really is/isn't). Some of you may know the feeling I am about to explain, or perhaps not, or perhaps you are experiencing it with me now.
Today, after being here 10 days, I have made my first friends. I was defiantly craving the feeling. The feeling of being around people your age, with common intrests, who want to know you, as much as you do them. People who want to know where you are from, your stories, your passions. People whom you can laugh with at silly things and cry with during hardships.
I had my first Rotex meeting  today. There are probably 60+ (probably many more) kids in my distict. They are from all countries; USA, Mexico (like Dora), Venezuela, New Zealand, Canada (Canadian boys are so tall!!), and many other countries. Joisy (my 'sister'. A girl who lives in my town) and I met many new people and put faces to many people whom we have met online. They are having the same struggles as I am, as well as the same pleasures. I never knew how unbelieveable it feels to be able to talk at a normal pace, to kids my own age.
After the Rotary meeting, my host family and I went to the birthday of my host fathers goddaughter and godson. Let's just say I now have very high expectations of birthday parties. There was champagne, appitizers for appitizers for appitizers, a divine pork dish, and an ice cream cake that would put every Dairy Queen to shame. It was a family party, so I met all the cousins of Marc's goddaughter (and her sister), whom are around my age. Everyone was so polite and loving. The kids my age asked me all kinds of questions, and I them. They also helped me learn new vocabulary (and laughed along with me as I butchared it).
Friendships is (the beginning of an infinite list):

  1. Greeting with a kiss
  2. The moment when you look as someone as say "that happened to you too?!"
  3. Using sharades in place of words
  4. Wanting to be with someone, even if you don't speak the same language
  5. Giving an hour of your time to teach someone the word "knife" in French
  6. Drawing every animal you can think of and labeling them 
  7. Love
Leave me comments of how you can personally describe friendship!


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